Wine: science or art? Without going too far into the matter, we agree with the response that they recently gave us in Ostuni, in one of the most scenic and scenographic points of the town, along Viale Oronzo Quaranta. Fun! Graziana and Giorgio, souls together with Andrea of WalkingWine, the first “nomad” wine shop in Italy, answered us in chorus.

The first “nomad” wine shop in Italy

The wine, along with them, is not a static reality but moving: with their unmistakable “apetta” they carry it around between Ostuni and surroundings. So the wonderful world of wine, purely by Puglia, is told not only in the long journey that starts from the vineyard and leads to the cellar and the table but also with a very special outline: a view or a glimpse to experience with emotion.


The idea comes during a trip to Lisbon where for the first time in the square in front of the splendid Belèm Tower on the bank of the Tejo, the two, a couple in work and in life, come across the apecar ingeniously equipped to wine shop “Wine with a wiew”.WalkingWineA bit ‘in jest, a bit’ seriously, Giorgio and Graziana return to Italy, they ask: why not import the idea in Puglia? In Ostuni and around the breathtaking views to frame the tastings with a glass of local wine, certainly not lacking!

WalkingWineFrom the farmhouses to the nearby Regional Park of the Coastal Dunes, from the coast between Villanova and Rosamarina to the silvery sea of ​​the olive trees in the countryside.

And so, in a short time, was born WalkingWine, a project that places the centerpiece the apetta equipped to wine cellar with hanging glasses and stools on which you can sit to delight the palate slowly tasting a glass of wine in happy company. And in the end it remains a useful memory to take home the plastic cup with their logo.


WalkingWine’s apecar is a mobile station created to create unique and original events such as the drink outside the church to toast the bride and groom or the aperitif at sunset in any season or, again, a real cocktail bar to enrich a party with friends.


During the last winter, WalkingWine promoted CineWine the first festival of foreign films in the original language at the Ostuni SlowCinema, dedicated to the many native and English-speaking residents living in the territory and to all cinema lovers. And it was also partner of the first edition of Librinfabbrica, the literary review of Librinfaccia dedicated to the factory, which filled the production spaces of Scaff System and Officine Tamborrino.


Then there are the collaborations with the restaurateurs of the area, such as Francesco Nacci of Botrus in Ceglie Messapica who for BloggingWine proposed the strascinate with yellow tomato sauce and smoked cacioricotta that WalkingWine combined with a Contessa Staffa, rosé of the Antica Enotria Winery of Cerignola, to obtain an effect of contrast between the sweetness of the first and the sour of the second that balance and enhance each other.


In closing, a reflection on the presence of wine in the most beautiful moments of the life of a man and a woman who are almost always underlined and shared with this ancient drink. Moreover, as William S. Benwell wrote: “The soft sound of a cork that is uncorked from the bottle has the sound of a man who is opening his heart”. There was no engagement, a marriage, a birth that were not cheered by this nectar.


And as long as you continue to get engaged, get married and be born, the wine will have a secure future. And it will also have WalkingWine. Refrain abstainers.


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