Diana Vreeland, the legendary editor of “Vogue,” said that “the accessories are the most powerful form of expression of fashion”. They know well Marta and Marcello Antonelli who, with their brand OOD® produce well identifiable creations, with clean and functional lines that enhance the beauty of the material. In fact, the material is the real novelty.
Their brand was born from the desire of papà Marcello, former manager of a textile company and Marta, the daughter graduated in Languages and International Communication and graduated to the IED Rome in Fashion shoes and accessories design, to create a natural and sustainable material that could replace animal skin.
Their interest is immediately focused on the wood, and in 2012, after a year of experimentation and through a patented method can get the plywood “ligneah” made up of wood and cotton, to the texture and the visual and tactile sensations similar to the skin, but cruelty free, sustainable, picked and processed in an environmentally responsible. We are curious to know more.
Ligneah, wood and cotton compound: cruelty free and sustainable
“My love for fashion probably arises from very far away, watching my mother as she sewed clothes for me and my sister Francesca, for every occasion but especially for Carnival. My mother then told me – continues Marta – do not leave the house if I did not have the circle combined with the dress, and so I always realized in a coordinated hair accessories. We grew as well, watching my mother sewing, hobby seamstress, and my dad paint”.
Growing up, she continued with linguistic studies, but between classes and the other was delighted to draw. She then enrolled in the University course Languages and International Communication in Rome. “But during my studies I realized to repress anything” – she confides. “After all we know that there is a proper road when you take self-awareness, when you are a bit ‘bigger. So my repressed creativity exploded suddenly, one day with my sister wandered through the streets of Rome. We came across a shop that sold components for bijoux: it was always my desire to create them with my hands. So I started to realize all types and while I continued the studies put aside some money giving tuition in English and Italian and in the weekend I booked my space in various markets in Rome, where I was selling my creations. But it was thanks to my father who made the decision to enroll in a school of fashion, choosing the IED and the course of Fashion Shoes and Accessories Design”.
Finally Marta seems to have taken the right path but there was still something that was blocking: loving animals very much, she does not definitely wanted to work the skin. I felt an insurmountable obstacle but again was critical papà Marcello contribution that said, “is just going through something you do not want that you can learn how to achieve what you want”.
“I realized that even if I had to use the skin, and many lessons were focused on the study of leather and materials, this was an essential step because it would help me to find alternate ways”.
Meanwhile she graduated in Languages and International Communication and become vegetarian, feeling a desire to reconcile the love of fashion with that for the environment and animals. One day, leafing through a magazine her eye falls on a boot in python: “I suffered an association with wood, I imagined many small flakes that behaved just like the plot of python skin. I immediately spoke with my father. “Thus began a long period of experiments with artisans who often looked both like crazy. Nevertheless Ligneah was born, from wooden word in Latin, thin sheet of wood laminated to a fabric and micro-etched by laser (www.ligneah.com). And the first collection made entirely from the innovative material presented at the show “So Critical so Fashion” in Milan. The media success was immediate.
“From there came our adventure; many sacrifices and ongoing research in order to grow together with the material and to our company. This year also our patent in Europe, Russia, Japan, China and other countries has been recognized”.
She continues to tell us with passion: “Every creation is born jet. For example, the shopper Atlantea was born from the desire to bring out the material rather than the model. Then sometimes I delight, such as the clutch Ivy, born at the forest day and presented for the first time in Geneva at the UN headquarters, to play a little ‘more expressing all facets of Ligneah. The woods I choose comes directly from our suppliers: the first time was almost laughable to me, while other designers chose hides, I came across samples of wood and furniture coverings!”.
We urge with questions: how do you image women who wear your creations?
“I do not think in particular to a type of woman, but sophisticated women who love yes simplicity but also the playful and fun twist”. And we agree with her when she concludes: “I believe the complete purse a woman and why not allowing it to manifest those sides also held a little ‘more hidden”.
What Marta has chosen for me? Crisopelea, a sparkling green shades, a symbol of rebirth as the grass in spring, shades of the year according to the Pantone Color Institute. A large and versatile clutch bag, but at the same time refined and timeless. And of course the bracelet is coordinated!
Last important point that we like to emphasize: OOD in addition to using sustainable materials and cruelty free, is Tree Nation partner and for each product sold, a tree is planted. It also takes part in the LAV project, Animal Free Fashion (www.animalfree.org).
Via Gioele Solari 24, Rome
Tel: +39 06 88542343
www.ood-italy.it – marta@mymantrasrl.com