Puglia always surprises. And we are not referring to the fact that for some years it has been assaulted by Italian and foreign tourists during the hottest season or to the real estate that defines it as one of the most desirable destinations, heir of that Tuscany that until some time ago was the only area for this type of investment. Puglia is surprising for its beauty and its history, for its territory and its people, so variegated as to be able to be called the Puglie.
And it has always done it. Tangible and enjoyable testimony of this is represented by the collection of writings dedicated to our region “Puglia Visioni d’autore” by Teresa De Francesco, with tables by Donato Sciannimanico, published by Progedit.
Already Gabriele D’Annunzio, in his “Taccuini”, tells his trip to Puglia in 1917: “I wake up and see a dream town, as if I were still asleep”. The deeply poetic image of the region makes Giuseppe Ungaretti vibrate in his verses: “the moment that shook our heart: the divine finds the color of time here”.
The intention of the author is precisely to talk about Puglia through the words of those who have been there, has visited, leaving in writing his amazement, his admiration or, more simply, his emotions dictated by a land that can not leave you indifferent. Through these texts of great beauty of authors of the twentieth century, we can travel between the borders of the region, visiting it in the best way, that is, moving while observing, learning habits and customs to understand its true nature.
So this book can be read as a kind of travel guide, dedicated not only to those who want to discover a region in all its facets, but also to those who in this land was born there or lives there.
Because as Tommaso Fiore teaches it is: “Blessed is he who in life has been able to travel far and wide throughout the region in which he was born, to learn to know first of all those of his ancient lineage”. And as the editor of the book adds, because “Puglia is a region that is discovered little by little, a land that makes itself known with patience”.
To describe “Puglia Visioni d’autore” nothing better than to borrow the words of Cesare Brandi: “This trip to Puglia is not a journey, but many trips … because Puglia is a country like the morning, a clear morning, a liquid sunny morning: and, in the morning, it will always be the same, but it never gets bored. And it always has something new in his everlasting spectacle”.
And we must use what a great author has written, Italo Calvino, to describe the sense of the route of these itineraries among writers, texts and landscapes of Puglia that the book tries to trace there where he states that “the only trip still possible is that that takes place within the relationship between the places and their inhabitants”.
The choice of Teresa De Francesco on who to insert in this sort of sentimental anthology, as she defines it herself, is well explained in the preface. They are all authors close to the art world and with their sensitivity have managed to convey their suggestions and transfer them to paper.
“The reader will not find classic itineraries organized by geographical areas, but ideal itineraries, visions of pure beauty and of strident contrasts, paintings painted with the eyes of the mind”. And she defines her audience well, the one to whom the book addresses: “they are dedicated to those who are looking for an inner journey in a parallel path between knowledge of places and emotions”.
Puglia Visioni d’autore
Edited by Teresa De Francesco with tables by Donato Sciannimanico
20,00 €